Studien zu Entstehungsbedingungen von Burnout
Burnout und organisationsbezogene Faktoren
- Lasalvia et al (2009) Influence of perceived organisational factors on job burnout: Survey of community mental health staff. British Journal of Psychiatry
- Lohmer (2012) Burnout im Spannungsfeld von Persönlichkeit und Organisationsstruktur. 62. Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen [pdf-download]
Burnout, Anforderungen und Kontrolle
- Glass & McKnight (1996) Perceived control, depressive symptomatology, and professional burnout: A review of the evidence. Psychology & Health
- Magnusson Hanson et al (2008) Demand, control and social climate as predictors of emotional exhaustion symptoms in working Swedish men and women. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
- Stansfeld & Candy (2006) Psychosocial work environment and mental health–a meta-analytic review. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- Taris et al (2005) Job control and burnout across occupations. Psychological Reports
- Virtanen et al (2010) Overtime work and incident coronary heart disease: the Whitehall II prospective cohort study. European Heart Journal
- Virtanen et al (2012) Overtime work as a predictor of major depressive episode: A 5-Year Follow-Up of the Whitehall II Study. PLoS ONE
- Xanthopoulou et al (2007) The role of personal resources in the job demands-resources model. International Journal of Stress Management
Burnout, Gratifikationskrisen und Gerechtigkeit
- Geurts et al (1993) Social comparison, inequity, and absenteeism among bus drivers. European Work and Organizational Psychologist
- Godin et al (2005) A prospective study of cumulative job stress in relation to mental health. BMC Public Health [pdf-download]
- Hamer et al (2006) The effects of effort-reward imbalance on inflammatory and cardiovascular responses to mental stress. Psychosomatic Medicine
- Inoue et al (2010) Effort-reward imbalance and its association with health among permanent and fixed-term workers. BioPsychoSocial Medicine
- Lau (2008) Effort-reward imbalance and overcommitment in employees in a Norwegian municipality: A cross sectional study. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
- Siegrist & Dragano (2008) Psychosoziale Belastungen und Erkrankungsrisiken im Erwerbsleben. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz
- Siegrist (2012, April). Burnout und Arbeitswelt, Lindau. [pdf-download]
- Xu et al (2012) Association between effort-reward imbalance and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) among Chinese workers: Results from SHISO study. [Diabetes] International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Burnout und Bewältigung
- Antoniou et al (2013) Occupational stress and professional burnout in teachers of primary and secondary education: The role of coping strategies. Psychology
- Isaksson Ro et al (2010) A three-year cohort study of the relationships between coping, job stress and burnout after a counselling intervention for help-seeking physicians. BMC Public Health
- Kirk & Koeske (1995) The fate of optimism: A longitudinal study of case managers’ hopefulness and subsequent morale. Research on Social Work Practice
- Koeske & Kirk (1995) Direct and buffering effects of internal locus of control among mental health professionals. Journal of Social Service Research
- Rubino et al (2009) How do stressors lead to burnout? The mediating role of motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Burnout und Selbstwirksamkeit
- Brouwers & Tomic (2000) A longitudinal study of teacher burnout and perceived self-efficacy in classroom management. Teaching and Teacher Education
- Perez-Blasco et al (2013) Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on psychological distress, well-being, and maternal self-efficacy in breast-feeding mothers: results of a pilot study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health
- Makara-Studzińska et al (2019) Self-efficacy as a moderator between stress and professional burnout in firefighters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Skaalvik & Skaalvik (2010) Teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout: A study of relations. Teaching and Teacher Education
Burnout und Trauma
- Brattberg (2006) PTSD and ADHD: Underlying factors in many cases of burnout. Stress and Health [pdf-download]
- Keim et al (2008) Trauma and Burnout: Counselors in Training. VISTAS Online [pdf-download]
- Linden et al (2004) Die posttraumatische Verbitterungsstörung (PTED). Nervenarzt
- Pieper & Maercker (1999) Männlichkeit und Verleugnung von Hilfsbedürftigkeit nach berufsbedingten Traumata (Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungspersonal). Verhaltenstherapie
- Rost et al (2009) EMDR treatment of workplace trauma. A case series. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
Burnout und Werte
- Leiter et al (2009) Contrasting burnout, turnover intention, control, value congruence and knowledge sharing between baby boomers and generation X. Journal of Nursing Management
Burnout und Work Engagement
- Hakanen & Schaufeli (2012) Do burnout and work engagement predict depressive symptoms and life satisfaction? A three-wave seven-year prospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders [download]
- Hakanen et al (2006) Burnout and work engagement among teachers. Journal of School Psychology
Burnout bei unterschiedlichen Belastungen (beruflich u.a.)
- Hamama (2012) Differences between children’s social workers and adults’ social workers on sense of burnout, work conditions and organisational social support. British Journal of Social Work
- Härenstam (2005) Different development trends in working life and increasing occupational stress require new work environment strategies. Work
- Malach-Pines & Keinan (2007) Stress and burnout in Israeli police officers during a Palestinian uprising (Intifada). International Journal of Stress Management
- Nordang et al (2010) Burnout in health-care professionals during reorganizations and downsizing. A cohort study in nurses. BMC Nursing [pdf-download]
- Studien zu Burnout bei Ärztinnen und Ärzten
- Studien zu Burnout bei Lehrpersonen
- Studien zu Burnout in der Onkologie
- Studien zu Burnout in der Pflege
- Studien zu Burnout bei pflegenden Angehörigen
- Studien zu Burnout bei Psychotherapeut_innen
Burnout und Gender
- Glise et al (2012) Course of mental symptoms in patients with stress-related exhaustion: does sex or age make a difference? BMC Psychiatry
- Greenglass (1991) Burnout and gender: Theoretical and organizational implications. Canadian Psychology
- Grossi et al (2003) Physiological correlates of burnout among women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research
- Guillaume & Pochic (2009) What would you sacrifice? Access to top management and the work-life balance. Gender, Work & Organization [pdf-download]
- Norlund et al (2010) Burnout, working conditions and gender – Results from the northern Sweden MONICA Study. BMC Public Health [pdf-download]
- Pieper & Maercker (1999) Männlichkeit und Verleugnung von Hilfsbedürftigkeit nach berufsbedingten Traumata (Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungspersonal). Verhaltenstherapie
- Pretty et al (1992) Psychological environments and burnout: Gender considerations within the corporation. Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Price & Spence (1994) Burnout symptoms amongst drug and alcohol service employees: Gender differences in the interaction between work and home stressors. Anxiety, Stress & Coping
- Sandmark & Renstig (2010) Understanding long-term sick leave in female white-collar workers with burnout and stress-related diagnoses: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health
- Soares et al (2007) Burnout among women: Associations with demographic/socio-economic, work, life-style and health factors. Archives of Women’s Mental Health
- Välimäki et al (2009) The spouse of the female manager: Role and influence on the woman’s career. Gender in Management: An International Journal