Therapie und Prävention von Burnout: Studien
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Studien zu Therapie und Prävention von Burnout bei unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen. Hier jene Studien, die sich nicht primär auf Achtsamkeit beziehen. Forschung zu achtsamkeitsbasiertem Vorgehen finden Sie hier.
- Behandlung von Burnout. Gesundheit Ö
- Praxis-Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik, Behandlung und Prävention bei Burnout (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Entspannungsverfahren, 2014) [download]
- Gesundheitstraining Stressbewältigung am Arbeitsplatz (GSA) – Ein indikationsübergreifendes Schulungsmodul zur beruflichen Integration in der medizinischen Rehabilitation (Beutel, Hillert et al 2006) [download]
- Bosche & Houtma (2003) Work stress interventions and their effectiveness: A literature review. TNO Work & Employment
- Brandes et al (2009) Music programs designed to remedy burnout symptoms show significant effects after five weeks. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Brooks et al (2010) Creative approaches for reducing burnout in medical personnel. The Arts in Psychotherapy
- Burnout 2.0 (2018) Heft von „Psychotherapie im Dialog“ zum Thema Burnout [link]
- Günthner & Batra (2012) Stressmanagement als Burn-out-Prophylaxe. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz [pdf-download]
- Hahn et al (2011) Learning how to recover from job stress: Effects of a recovery training program on recovery, recovery-related self-efficacy, and well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Hänggi (2006) Kann web-basierte Stressprävention erfolgreich sein? Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
- Hätinen et al (2009) Burnout during a long-term rehabilitation: Comparing low burnout, high burnout – benefited, and high burnout – not benefited trajectories. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping
- Hellhammer et al (2012) Neuropattern: A new translational tool to detect and treat stress pathology I. Strategical consideration. Stress
- Hillert (2012) Wie wird Burn-out behandelt? Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz [pdf-download]
- Isaksson et al (2010) A self-referral preventive intervention for burnout among Norwegian nurses: One-year follow-up study. Patient Education and Counseling
- Italia et al (2008) Evaluation and art therapy treatment of the burnout syndrome in oncology units. Psycho-Oncology
- Känel (2008) Das Burnout-Syndrom: eine medizinische Perspektive. Praxis
- Karlson et al (2010) Return to work after a workplace-oriented intervention for patients on sick-leave for burnout – A prospective controlled study. BMC Public Health
- Kjeldmand & Holmstrom (2008) Balint groups as a means to increase job satisfaction and prevent burnout among general practitioners. Annals of Family Medicine
- Kollak (2008) Burnout und Stress: Anerkannte Verfahren zur Selbstpflege in Gesundheitsfachberufen. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Korczak et al (2012) Therapy of the burnout syndrome. GMS Health Technology Assessment
- Korczak et al (2012) Therapie des Burnout-Syndroms. Herausgeben vom Deutschen Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information (DIMDI), Köln, einem Institut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit (BMG). Umfassende Übersicht zu Studienergebnissen [download]
- Kravits et al (2010. Self-care strategies for nurses: A psycho-educational intervention for stress reduction and the prevention of burnout. Applied Nursing Research
- Lamontagne et al (2007) A systematic review of the job-stress intervention evaluation literature, 1990-2005. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Le Blanc et al (2007) Take care! The evaluation of a team-based burnout intervention program for oncology care providers. Journal of Applied Psychology
- Lees & Ellis (1990) The design of a stress-management programme for nursing personnel. Journal of Advanced Nursing
- Leykin et al (2011) Differential effects of online training on job-related burnout among substance abuse counsellors. Journal of Substance Use
- Marine et al (2006) Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers. Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- McCray et al (2008) Resident physician burnout: Is there hope? Family Medicine [pdf-download]
- Mimura & Griffiths (2003) The effectiveness of current approaches to workplace stress management in the nursing profession: An evidence based literature review. Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Murphy (1996) Stress management in work settings: A critical review of the health effects. American Journal of Health Promotion
- Nienhaus (2006) Kosten und Nutzen von Psychotherapie beim Burn-out-Syndrom und psychosomatischen Folgeerkrankungen bei Mobbing. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin [download]
- Oostrom et al (2009) A participatory workplace intervention for employees with distress and lost time: A feasibility evaluation within a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
- Ossebaard (2000) Stress reduction by technology? An experimental study into the effects of brainmachines on burnout and state anxiety. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
- Patterson et al (2010) The effects of stress management interventions among police officers and recruits. [pdf-download]
- Pelletier (2004) The effect of music on decreasing arousal due to stress: A meta-analysis. Journal of Music Therapy
- Penalba et al (2008) Psychosocial interventions for prevention of psychological disorders in law enforcement officers. Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- Pomaki et al (2010) Best practices for return-to-work/ stay-at-work interventions for workers with mental health conditions. Vancouver. [pdf-download]
- Rabin et al (2000) A multifaceted mental health training program in reducing burnout among occupational social workers. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
- Regehr et al (2014) Interventions to reduce the consequences of stress in physicians: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
- Regehr et al (2012) Interventions to reduce stress in university students: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders
- Richardson & Rothstein (2008) Effects of occupational stress management intervention programs: A meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology [pdf-download]
- Ridge et al (2011) Developing a web-based stress management intervention for occupational support workers. Journal of Mental Health
- Ro et al (2008) Counselling for burnout in Norwegian doctors: One year cohort study. BMJ
- Rost et al (2009) EMDR treatment of workplace trauma. A case series. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
- Rowe (2000) Skills training in the long-term management of stress and occupational burnout. Current Psychology
- Ruotsalainen et al (2008) Systematic review of interventions for reducing occupational stress in health care workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- Ruwaard et al (2007) E-mailed standardized cognitive behavioural treatment of work-related stress: a randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Semmer (2006) Job stress interventions and the organization of work. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [pdf-download]
- Sexton et al (2009) Care for the caregiver: Benefits of expressive writing for nurses in the United States. Progress in Palliative Care
- Shiralkar (2013) A systematic review of stress-management programs for medical students. Academic Psychiatry
- Smith (2008) The effects of a single relaxation session on state anxiety levels of adults in a workplace environment. Australian Journal of Music Therapy
- Sotile & Sotile (2003). Beyond physician burnout: Keys to effective emotional management. Journal of Medical Practice Management
- Stenlund et al (2009) Cognitively oriented behavioral rehabilitation in combination with Qigong for patients on long-term sick leave because of burnout: REST–a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
- Stenlund et al (2009) Effects of Qigong in patients with burnout: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Toivanen et al (1993) Impact of regular relaxation training on the cardiac autonomic nervous system of hospital cleaners and bank employees. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- van der Klink et al (2001) The benefits of interventions for work-related stress. [Meta-analyse] American Journal of Public Health [pdf-download]
- van Dierendonck (1998) The evaluation of an individual burnout intervention program: The role of inequity and social support. Journal of Applied Psychology
- van Wyk & Pillay-Van Wyk (2010) Preventive staff-support interventions for health workers. Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- Varvogli & Darviri (2011) Stress Management Techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Health Science Journal [pdf-download]
- Vente et al (2008) Individual and group cognitive-behavioral treatment for work-related stress complaints and sickness absence: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Wallbank & Hatton (2011) Reducing burnout and stress: the effectiveness of clinical supervision. Community Practitioner
- Walter et al (2012) Burn-out wirksam prävenieren? Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 55(2), 172–182. [pdf-download]
- Wilson et al (2001) Stress management with law enforcement personnel: A controlled outcome study of EMDR versus a traditional stress management program. International Journal of Stress Management
- Winefield et al (1998) Work stress management for women general practitioners: An evaluation. Psychology, Health & Medicine
Retur to Work – Studien zum Wiedereinstieg